Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vacation Recap: Day One

On Friday, 18 April, we headed out for Ypres, Belgium. Simon piloted the rental car (a snazzy Skoda), and I -- map in hand -- navigated. Mom and Dad engaged in the ever-popular "Crop Talk."

I grew up hearing "Crop Talk" from Mom and Dad whenever we drove anywhere: "That corn is gettin' right high" or "That tabacca needs toppin'." My parents don't generally talk like that -- only when they're playing car-window-farmer (sort of like armchair-quarterback, but not as interesting).

We arrived in Ypres around mid-afternoon, with enough time to tour a few sites and get back to town for the "Last Post" Ceremony at the Menin Gate.

A crowd gathers for the "Last Post" Ceremony.

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