Vacation Recap: Days 2 & 3
On Saturday the 19th, we -- well, Simon -- had a longish day of driving. Just outside Ypres, we made a quick stop at the Hill 62 Museum. It's a private museum and a bit chaotic and pricey, but it's worth visiting if only for the trenches. (Plus, the stench of cat and the opportunity to pet the skinny perpetrators of said stench are included in the ticket price.)

There were about three or four of these trees, all dead, full of bullet holes,
and held up with cement and metal poles.
After this stop, we drove on to our house, "Le Petit Corbon," located just outside the village of Putanges Pont-Ecrepin. The house was so nice and comfy and ended up being about half the cost of two hotel rooms for all of us.

Even after all the driving on Saturday, Simon was ready for another roadtrip. So on Sunday, we headed across Normandy to Monet's house and gardens in Giverny. Before going into the village, we stopped for lunch at a little outdoor pizza cafe. There Daddy, Simon, and I had pizza with andouillette sausage. In other words, we had chitlins pizza.

I love the way French people dress their children as children,
not as (skanky) mini-adults (hello, people of the Netherlands!)